Unmasking Spiritual Bulls**t: Navigating the Path to Authentic Spirituality

In today's world, spiritual guides and self-proclaimed experts are everywhere. This makes it challenging to distinguish genuine wisdom from what I like to call "spiritual bullshit." The rise of spirituality as a commercial trend has led to many individuals claiming to be coaches, shamans, and medicine women/men without proper training or authentic experience. My intention with this article is to share my perspective and help you recognise and call out inauthentic spiritual practices while emphasising the importance of integrity and humbleness in our spiritual journeys.

The Challenge of Authenticity in Spirituality

As someone who is highly influenced by traditions that have not necessarily come from the lands that I was raised in (such as the Shamanic Arts and Reiki), I am continuously on my own learning path, striving to grow and deepen my understanding of how to navigate my teachings as a white western woman. While I absolutely believe that there needs to be a bridge between eastern and indigenous wisdom and the lost westerner, it is vital that we do this with care and the upmost respect for the original people of these wisdoms.

Unfortunately, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend where spirituality is becoming just another part of the commercial system. This commercialisation not only dilutes the essence of true spiritual work but also attracts individuals who may not have the right intentions or the depth of experience needed to be effective space holders or energy workers.

The Importance of Intention

It’s crucial to check the intention behind any healing or energetic work. Not everyone is suited to be a space holder or an energy worker. The work we do is powerful and should not be taken lightly. It requires a deep commitment to personal growth, integrity, and a genuine desire to help others. Without these qualities, the work can easily become superficial and even harmful.

Practitioners who talk about "ascension" without doing the integration work are spiritually bypassing and stuck in ego-inflation. I’ve encountered many people who preach going inwards without doing the inner work themselves. This lack of authenticity is harmful and misleading. True ascension requires integrating our spiritual experiences into our daily lives, ensuring that our growth is both profound but also practical.

Navigating Spiritual Communities

Spiritual communities have the potential to profoundly uplift and connect us with the depth within us that so many of us have lost. These days there is an abundance of cacao ceremonies, ecstatic dance gatherings, ‘conscious’ festivals, and more, but are they rooted? Do they feel safe? Do they offer a place to surrender yet also a place where you feel safely contained in order to do so? In my own journey, I have found homes in lands far from where I’m from through these beautiful spiritual communities. These spaces have provided me with grounded connection, support, and a sense of belonging.

However, it’s essential to discern which communities we allow ourselves to become part of. Some communities focus solely on the ‘love and light’ aspect of life, which, while beautiful, can lack substance if not grounded. It’s important to be part of environments that not only uplift but also challenge us to grow in a balanced and grounded way. Authentic spiritual communities offer a blend of support, challenged re-thinking, love, real connection and grounding.

The Need for Respect and Integrity

It’s crucial for those who guide others to ensure they are also nurturing their own spiritual health and growth. Space holders must make space for themselves to receive. The energy we deal with is no joke—it is profound and transformative. It is not a novelty or a quick fix; it requires respect, dedication, and a true understanding of its power.

The one place you can be sure to find a whole system of unqualified and unequipped ‘professionals’ is the coaching world. The coaching market is oversaturated and unregulated. Many self-proclaimed coaches have very little learned experience. Personally, I hesitate to call myself a coach because I don't want to be associated with those who lack proper training and experience. It's important for those offering guidance to have both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

It has also become trendy to hold medicine spaces, but often without acknowledging the Indigenous people and traditions these practices originate from. True respect involves an invitation process and deep understanding of cultural roots. While I am trained in the Shamanic Arts and influenced by them, I often get asked the question, “So, because you have done Shamanic Arts trainings, do you call yourself a shaman then?” Good god, NEVER!!!

A Call for Authentic Spirituality

Despite the challenges of sieving through genuine and not so genuine spaces, I do believe that we have come to earth for a grand awakening. More than ever, people are ready to rise, change, and grow. This work is needed in all corners of the world, but it must be approached with integrity and humbleness. True spiritual growth requires accountability, authenticity, and a deep respect for the traditions and practices that guide us.

Navigating with Discernment and Hope

Navigating the sea of spiritual offerings with discernment and awareness is essential. But don’t give up hope, despite the rising of inauthentic spaces and practitioners, there is also a stronger rise of incredibly genuine and deeply wise souls guiding the way.

Whether you are seeking guidance or offering it, remember that true spirituality is about being humble and never forgetting that every one of us is and always will be a student of life.

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Unlock the Energies of 2025: Wisdom from Across Traditions


Spirituality Coaching